Information for Coaches
Important Links:


Coach 1 - Intro to Coach
- The Coach 1 - Intro to Coach clinic is the perfect introduction to our game. This clinic, required for all new coaches below the U11 division (U7 & U9), instructs delegates on how to teach hockey's basic skills in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. The clinic may be delivered online or in-person.
- Click here to register for the Hockey Canada Coach 1 Clinic
Coach 2 - Coach Level
- The Coach 2 - Coach Level course is geared toward those coaches who will be working at the U11 level and/or with non-carded/house teams above. This exciting program combines online learning with a face-to-face component for a comprehensive coach education. The primary focus of this course is instilling a player's confidence, self-esteem and a love for the game in a safe, fun and inclusive environment.
- Click here to register for the Hockey Canada Coach 2 Clinic
Development 1
- The Development 1 clinic is a two (2) day clinic where coaches attend 13 total hours of classroom time online and/or in-person. The course will provide a foundation for coaches in the competitive stream.
Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
- The Respect in Sport Activity Leader program offers an engaging and easy-to-use online training course for sport leaders of all levels. The intent of this training is to:
- Empower and educate youth leaders/coaches on the prevention of abuse, bullying, harassment and discrimination.
- Build a holistic culture of respect within the sport community.
- Provide fundamental training tools that enable ALL coaches and youth leaders to become even better role models for the young athletes in their care.
- CLICK HERE to start the course.
- The Respect in Sport Activity Leader program offers an engaging and easy-to-use online training course for sport leaders of all levels. The intent of this training is to:
Coach – CATT Online
- The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) is a series of online educational modules and resources addressing concussion recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and management.
- CLICK HERE to begin the course