Meeting Minutes

SCMHA Board Meeting Minutes
There are times when discussions within Sunshine Coast Minor Hockey Association meetings must be kept confidential. Such discussions are considered to be “in-camera” meetings. In-camera meetings have a legitimate purpose but their use should be limited. Because in-camera meetings restrict the normal information reported to the Membership, their use should be limited to those occasions when they are absolutely necessary.
Factors Supporting in-Camera Meetings
In-camera meetings should be considered where the following subject matter is to be discussed:
- personnel matters about any identifiable individual, including volunteers, Directors, registered participants, or Members of SCMHA,
- commercially sensitive business matters, including matters subject to confidentiality agreements with third parties;
- litigation or potential litigation; or,
- the receiving of advice that is subject to privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
Minutes of in Camera Meetings
Decisions made in an in-camera meeting (including any in-camera discussion within a broader meeting) and, when appropriate, the factors considered in determining to hold a discussion in-camera, should be recorded in separate minutes.
Minutes of an in-camera meeting should be distributed to those who participated in the meeting and after their approval should be kept confidential and separately along with any materials considered as part of the in-camera meeting.
Any access to in-camera minutes is limited to the participants of the in-camera meeting. Any requests for access to in-camera minutes by any other individual should be directed to the SCMHA President who will consult with the Vice President prior to granting access to in-camera minutes.
The minutes from the Sunshine Coast Minor Hockey Association Board Meetings will be made available after they receive formal approval at the subsequent monthly board meeting.